In this article:

The Keyword Received Goal Explained

Updated: July 27th, 2024

The keyword received goal is only available for use in both 'legacy' and 'new' campaigns. It is one of most commonly used goals in MOBIT.

In this article, you will learn about the keyword received goal, how it can be used, and how to set it up.


The keyword received goal can be achieved by a contact texting in a keyword to a one of MOBIT's shared short codes, for example, MOBILE (the keyword) to 72000 (the shortcode). 

A keyword is a unique word/term made up letters and/or numbers, that is unique to one of MOBIT's shortcodes. 

  • United States - 72000
  • Canada - 72000
  • The United Kingdom - 88444
  • New Zealand - 268
  • Australia - 04 58000 500


1 - From your Campaign Builder, click the 'Add New Goal' button.

2 - Select Keyword Received in the drop-down list of goals. 

3* - Select the keyword you would like to use in your campaign and then click Save. If there are no keywords available to select from, you will need to purchase a keyword. You can do this clicking the add keyword button. Alternatively, you can purchase keywords from your settings. Click save.
Image title

4 - Add the desired actions (such as send a text or apply a tag) and timers of your goal.

*NOTE - If you have also connected your MOBIT account with Zapier, you will see a checkbox that read 'Show in Zapier'. Click here to learn more.

In-App Tutorial

Click here to take our in-app tutorial on how to add a keyword received goal.

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