In this article:

The HTTP Post Goal Explained

Updated: July 27th, 2024

The HTTP post goal is only available for use in 'old' campaigns. It should not be confused with the HTTP post from Infusionsoft goal in new campaigns. 

In this article, you will learn about the HTTP post goal, how it can be used, and how to set it up.


By definition, goals specify the criteria that a contact must meet in order to achieve the goal. When a goal is achieved by a contact, they will be entered into all timers and trigger actions added off the goal. By our own admission, the HTTP post goal is more confusing than helpful, as it does not hold true the definition of a goal. It has since been replaced in 'new' campaigns by the HTTP post from Infusionsoft goal.

In old campaigns where a MOBIT account has been integrated with Infusionsoft, every MOBIT/SMS action is able to be triggered off by a contact from inside an Infusionsoft campaign through an HTTP post. The HTTP post goal serves to be nothing more than a placeholder, which indicates the 'source' that triggers the MOBIT/SMS action to a contact. 

In contrast, the new HTTP from Infusionsoft goal is actually achieved by contacts when they reach the point in your campaign sequence that triggers an HTTP post.


1 - From your Campaign Builder, click the 'Add New Goal' button.

2 - Select HTTP post in the drop-down list of goals. 

3 - Give your goal a name. This is only for internal purposes and will never be seen by contacts. Click 'Save'.

4 - Add the desired actions (such as send a text or apply a tag) and timers of your goal.

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