In this article:

Using the Form Widget

Updated: July 27th, 2024

The forms widget is the most powerful tool in the Landing Page Editor as they allow you to collect information from contacts. Whenever a form is submitted on a landing page that information is recorded against that contacts record.

  • If a form is submitted on a landing page that a contact accessed via a link they received in a text, the information is recorded against their contact record.
  • If a form is submitted on a landing page that a contact accessed via other means i.e. QR code, web link posted via facebook, MOBIT uses field matching to decide what contact to record the information against, or whether to create an entirely new contact. Click here to learn more about field matching.

Adding a form to a landing page

  1. Drag the form widget onto your landing page.Image title
  2. To add MOBIT's pre-defined primary fields and Infusionsoft users additional primary fields, click the field you want to add in the left Input Fields column.Image title
  3. To add a custom field to your form, you will have to follow a couple more steps. First select the category your custom field is grouped under from the left Input Fields column underCustom Fields. The groupings are as follows:

    Custom field types grouped under "Text"

    • Currency
    • Decimal Number
    • Email
    • Name
    • Percent
    • Phone Number
    • Social Security Number
    • State
    • Text
    • Text Area
    • Website
    • Whole Number
    • Year

    Custom field types grouped under 'Dropdown List'

    • Day of week
    • Dropdown
    • Month

    Custom field types grouped under 'Radio Buttons'

    • Radio
    • Yes/No

    Custom field types grouped under 'Checkboxes'

    • Listbox

    Custom field types grouped under 'Date/Date Time'

    • Date
    • Date Time

  4. You will then need to select theCustom Field Data Type you custom field is grouped under from the Custom Field Data Type Dropdown, lastly selecting your Custom Field Name from the Custom Field Name DropdownImage title
  5. To make a form field a required field, simply click on a contact field and check the Required Field box. When this field is checked, contacts must fill the field out before they can successfully submit a form. We also recommend that you select the Hide Label checkbox for all text custom fields, primary fields, and additional primary fields, as it presents better on a landing page. This will hide the label of your form. On the below from, Mobile Number has Hide Label Selected, compared to Emai, which does not.Image title
  6. Click Done to add your form onto your landing page
  7. To customize the look and feel of your form from the left-hand properties column. 

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