Keywords are the most fundamental part of inbound SMS marketing. All MOBIT plans come with at least one keyword - any keywords above what is included in your plan will cost you an additional $10 USD per month. Once you have reserved a keyword in a country for a shortcode, nobody else can use that keyword until you release the keyword! To purchase a keyword in a country:
1 - From the SMS settings tab of your settings, click the cart button next to active keywords
2 - Enter the keyword you would like to purchase then click the search button
3 - MOBIT will produce a list of results for the keyword you searched for, including other suggestions. If the status of your keyword is unavailbale, another MOBIT user is currently using this keyword. To purchase an available keyword, simply click the add to cart checkbox and click the Check out button. You will only be charged $10 USD per month if you have no avaiable keyword credits. You can check your avaible keyword credits in the top right of your search keyword screen.