In this article:

HTTP Post to Landing Page via URL Query String, JSON and XML

Updated: July 27th, 2024

Posting to a MOBIT landing page via an external application

Create the form on the a Landing Page that you wish to post to. An example HTTP post with placeholders for posting to the Landing Page will be generated. The HTTP post includes a unique key which must be included for the form to be submitted.

If the key is not included the page will be presented with only prepopulated form fields and will still require that the user clicks the SUBMIT button to complete the form submit.

Below is an example of the MOBIT landing page with a form included and the resulting External HTTP Posting information

Image title

Replace the example HTTP Post information with the details that you wish to post.

System Example:

Data Replaced:

During the HTTP Post, based on any field matching logic on the form summited, MOBIT will try and dedupe the contact on the fly by checking if any existing contact exists in your MOBIT account. Based on the result you will be passed back the following response.

URL Post Response:

  • Contact Created
  • Contact Updated
  • Error - Invalid
  • Key Error - Invalid Field

You can include an optional system parameter during the HTTP Post. This allows the Opt In Status of the contact to be set during the process. The optional parameter is called “OptInStatus” and can be appended to the API call as follows.

The OptInStatus can be of the following values: (Unsubscribed, Non Marketable, Unconfirmed and Subscriber)

NOTE: If the Double Opt In Bypass State for the target HTTP Post set to “ON”, then this will override any values being passed in during the post. Please refer to MOBIT’s knowledge base for further details.

Optional Posting using JSON and XML

MOBIT includes the ability to post to Landing Pages using JSON and XML.

Example JSON request.

Request URL:

Request JSON: {

"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Smith",
"MobileNumber": "6421999999",
"key": "43214-3629-635802821313315059",
"OptInStatus": "DoubleOptIn"


Example XML request.

Request URL:

Request XML


<landingpageform field="FirstName" value="John”/>
<landingpageform field="LastName" value="Smith”/>
<landingpageform field="MobileNumber" value="6421999999" />
<landingpageform field="key" value="43214-3629-635802821313315059" />
<landingpageform field="OptInStatus" value="DoubleOptIn" />

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