In this article:

Infusionsoft Integration FAQ's

Updated: July 27th, 2024

Custom Fields

Why can't I see any of my Infusionsoft custom field inside MOBIT?

MOBIT only sync's with Infusionsoft custom fields that are selected in your integration settings. We do not import all of your custom fields by default. You will need to specify which custom fields you would like MOBIT to sync with. Click here to see our article on custom field mapping.


Why does the number of contacts in my Infusionsoft and MOBIT account differ?

Changes made within your Infusionsoft account are not immediately reflected inside MOBIT. Every 15 minutes, MOBIT automatically syncs with your Infusionsoft account to pick up these changes, so information inside MOBIT can theoretically be 15 minutes out of date. If you are looking to send out a campaign from inside MOBIT, we recommend that you manually trigger a resync first


Can I send a text message from within my Infusionsoft campaign?

Yes you can by using an Infusionsoft HTTP post. Click here to learn more.

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