In this article:

Using the iFrame Widget

Updated: July 27th, 2024

The iframe widget allows you to embed a URL or iFrame code in your MOBIT page. 

Adding the iframe widget to a landing page

1 - Drag the iframe widget onto your landing page
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2 - Paste your iframe code or URL into the Embed iframe URL propeties section. MOBIT will reformat you iframe code to only include the URL portion of the code. For example, <iframe src="//" width="400" height="400" frameborder="0"></iframe>, becomes When using a URL, simply paste the page URL into this section.

Note: URL's must start with http:// or https://, not www
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Examples of the iframe widget in use

The iframe widget opens up endless possibilities for what you can have on your landing page, however, here are a couple of ways we use this widget.

  • At MOBIT, we use an awesome booking app called appointment core. Using the iframe widget we can embed a booking page into any MOBIT landing page

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  • We also use the iframe widget to embed maps on our MOBIT page

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