In this article:

Using the Video Widget

Updated: August 22nd, 2016

The video widget allows you to embed videos from Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia to any of your landing pages. 

Adding the video widget to a landing page

1 - Drag the video widget icon onto your landing page
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2 - A video widget will appear on your landing page. To embed your video, click on the video widget, then paste the embed URL into the video properties section. Image title

3 - The video widget will always appear black in the landing page editor. To see if you have been successfully embedded your video, click the preview button.  Image title

Sourcing Embed URL's

Getting the Embed URL of a video from YouTube

Navigate to the video you would like to use, then click Share follow by Embed. Copy the URL to your clipboard
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Getting the embed URL of a video from Wistia

Click here to read Wistia's own article on embeding video. Refer to the iframe Embed section!

Getting the embed URL of a video from Vimeo

Click the paper plain icon on the right of a video, then copy to Embed URL to your clipboard
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